Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big vs. Large

The two words, big and large is similar in which both of them can be used in describe the size. The main difference is that large is particularly used in describing the amount. Such assertion can be made as we find phrases "a large amount of something," "a large number of something," and "a large quantity of something” appear a lot when we search "large" in corpus.


  1. Good try! However, are there any other rules?

  2. It is interesting to find out people start saying "a big amount of something" when you goggle the phrase.

  3. To Sally:
    I'll try to figure them out.

    To Bava:
    Perhaps both big and large are OK...perhaps...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Agree. I think either big or large is o.k. However, a big amount of somthing is used only in informal situation and will not be accepted in formal writing.
